by David Phelan January-03-2019 in Banking & Financial Services, Litigation & Dispute Resolution, Property, Commercial & Business, Corporate, Employment Law, Regulatory & Administrative Law, Brexit
As we near the end of another year, I take this opportunity to thank you on behalf of all of us here at Hayes solicitors for your continued support throughout 2018.
It has been another busy and exciting year for the firm, starting in January with the announcement of Ken Casey as Head of our new Corporate Law Department, and with many promotions and new recruits across the year since then. That is only possible because of your support and the trust you place in the firm and we are very appreciative.
In this edition of our newsletter, we update you with a number of topical issues and insights which we hope will be relevant to you and your business.
Please get in touch if you have any queries in connection with any of these issues, if there is anything else with which you think we can help with, or if there is any feedback you would like to give to us about the firm.
In the meantime, every best wish for a happy and peaceful Christmas and new year, and best wishes for 2019.
David Phelan
Managing Partner
Brexit Property Implications - Deal or No Deal?
Sarah Byrne provides some guidance on the steps that landlords and tenants can take to minimise the impact of Brexit. Read more
Hayes primed to kick on with recruitment drive after ‘tremendous’ performance
Ken Casey, Head of our Corporate Department, sees echoes of the fortunes of Irish rugby in 2018 in his own team’s performance over the year. Read more
White Collar Crime in the Workplace - What are an Employer’s Obligations?
Anne Lyne discusses the latest development in mandatory reporting obligations for “white-collar crimes on both employers and employees. Read more
Product Liability Update
Richard Hogan looks at a recent European Court of Justice Decision affecting product liability. Read more
Getting Personal: The Regulation of Professionals’ Private Lives
Lyn McCarthy examines the balance to be struck between allowing regulated professionals to maintain their own private lives whilst at the same time ensuring effective regulation. Read more
25 Year Old Trade Mark Dispute Re-Affirms Rules on Admission of New Evidence on Appeal
Michael Kelly discusses a 1994 decision that was mirrored recently by the Controller of Patents and Designs, not to grant Montex Holdings Limited trade mark rights to the word “Diesel”. Read more
Solvency Statement Procedures - Directors Take Note
Catherine Jane O’Rourke takes us through a recent UK judgment around the provision of solvency statements could have implications for directors in the Irish jurisdiction. Read more
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About the Author
David Phelan
David is Head of the Commercial & Business team at Hayes solicitors and advises a number of the firm’s major corporate clients. He advises on a wide range of corporate and commercial law issues. He has expertise in advising on general corporate and commercial matters, particularly in the manufacturing, retail, aviation, sports and motor sectors, and also frequently advises clients who operate in regulated areas.