MayThe system of registration for septic tanks came into operation on 31 March 2012 following the enactment of the Water Service (Amendment) Act 2012. The purpose of the Act was to monitor waste water discharges from all households that are not connected to a public sewer network. The Act provided that all domestic waste water treatment systems should be registered by 1 February 2013 and failure to do so will have implications which are set out below. It is the responsibility of the owner of the waste treatment system to register their system.
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AprThe High Court recently overturned a permanent stay imposed by the Circuit Court on three related medical negligence actions (1) .
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MarThe European Court of Justice (CJEU) issued two significant decisions on 18 March 2014 limiting employment rights for surrogate mothers.
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FebIn a recent High Court decision, (Stobart (Ireland) Driver Services Ltd -v- Carrol), Kearns J upheld a Labour Court decision to reinstate and compensate a lorry driver who had been dismissed after he complained that he was too tired to work a shift. He was reinstated to the job from the date of dismissal which included all back pay which amounted to approximately €30,000.
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FebThe issue of lack of capacity to refuse medical treatment came before the High Court again in a recent matter where a 23 year old woman who suffered from an eating disorder, anorexia nervosa, refused nutritional feeds in hospital. An emergency application was made by the hospital seeking an order to allow her medical team feed her through a tube.
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FebOur Healthcare Team outlines the findings of a recent review of regulation in the UK cosmetic surgery industry and the implications for the Irish system.
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