FebA recent judgment highlights the importance of framing a complaint to ensure it relates to a contravention which occurred within the relevant time period prior to its referral to the Rights Commissioner.
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JanThe “black hole” in many private pension schemes, when taken with the fact that people are living longer, means that it is now a reality that many people will seek to work beyond the traditional retirement age of 65. In these circumstances, what right does an employee have to break the grey ceiling and continue working into his or her golden years?
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JunIn a recent decision involving a Special Needs Assistant (SNA) in a National School, who made a claim of bullying and harassment treatment against her employer, the Board of Management of St. Anne’s School, the High Court found against the employer and awarded €255,276 for damages and loss of earnings.
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MayThe Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission Bill 2014 (“IHREC”) has recently been published. The main purpose of the Bill is to merge the Human Rights Commission and Equality Authority.
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MayThe Court of Justice has held that a sales consultant’s annual leave remuneration cannot be limited to their basic salary alone where such a worker is paid a basic salary and commission calculated on the basis of sales made by them. In such circumstances, that commission must also be included in the calculation of the employees annual leave entitlement so as not to deter an employee from taking annual leave
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MarThe European Court of Justice (CJEU) issued two significant decisions on 18 March 2014 limiting employment rights for surrogate mothers.
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