FebIs street art – or graffiti – public or private property? Jeremy Erwin outlines a recent case that settled the question for one mural and its famous creator.
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FebThe High Court has recently endorsed the role and importance of an anchor tenant in a shopping centre, even where the lease does not specifically describe the tenant as the anchor. Jackie Buckley and Danny Heffernan highlight the key findings.
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FebMatthew Austin offers an overview of the first year of the new Irish civil and criminal appeals system.
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JanThe Court of Appeal was recently asked to consider an appeal from the High Court which centred on whether a deed could be amended to remove a clause that had allegedly been added in by mistake. It was found that sharp practice by one party led to the other’s mistake and so the deed could be rectified. Fiona Shipsey reports.
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JanIn what has been described as a historic moment, the Assisted Decision Making (Capacity) Act was signed into law by President Michael D Higgins on 30 December 2015. The newly-enacted legislation brings about the long-awaited repeal of the Victorian-era Lunacy Regulation (Ireland) Act 1871 and the Marriage of Lunatics Act 1811. By Aoife Nally.
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JanDeirdre Nally summarises two recent successful appeals to the Employment Appeals Tribunal.
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