JanIn what has been described as a historic moment, the Assisted Decision Making (Capacity) Act was signed into law by President Michael D Higgins on 30 December 2015. The newly-enacted legislation brings about the long-awaited repeal of the Victorian-era Lunacy Regulation (Ireland) Act 1871 and the Marriage of Lunatics Act 1811. By Aoife Nally.
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JanDeirdre Nally summarises two recent successful appeals to the Employment Appeals Tribunal.
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JanThere has been an ongoing political debate in Ireland as to whether employers should be required to recognise trade unions. One key question concerns the correct balance between the right of an employee to associate with a trade union, and the right of an employer to disassociate from a trade union.
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JanThe High Court recently granted an application to stay court proceedings pending arbitration despite the fact that the applicant defendant had engaged in the proceedings, which had advanced beyond the initial stages. Matthew Austin reports.
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Jan2015 was a very busy year for Irish Employment Law practice. With reform of the basic framework for dealing with employment disputes and a new Industrial Relations Act, the procedural landscape of employment law in Ireland has been significantly altered. Anne Lyne outlines the key developments.
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DecLiving wills came one step closer to becoming law in June 2015 when the Department of Health’s statutory provisions on Advance Healthcare Directives (AHDs) were incorporated into the Assisted Decision Making (Capacity) Bill 2013. Aoife Nally provides an update.
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