
Orla Canavan - Solicitor

Orla is a solicitor in the Employment Law team at Hayes solicitors LLP. Since qualification in 2020, Orla has advised employer and employee clients across a diverse range of contentious and non-contentious matters. Orla has a particular interest in the area of employment equality. She also has experience acting in the defence of High Court claims.



Orla is a solicitor in the Employment Law team at Hayes solicitors LLP. Since qualification in 2020, Orla has advised employer and employee clients across a diverse range of contentious and non-contentious matters. Orla has a particular interest in the area of employment equality. She also has experience acting in the defence of High Court claims.



Orla has:

  • Represented employer and employee clients before the Workplace Relations Commission and Labour Court;
  • Represented employer and employee clients in workplace mediations and mediations facilitated by the Workplace Relations Commission
  • Advised employer and employee clients during workplace investigations;
  • Drafted employment contracts for employees at senior level and consultancy agreements;
  • Negotiated and drafted termination/severance/compromise agreements;
  • Advised departing employees on their redundancy agreements;



  • Bachelor of Civil Law ,Dublin City University, 2012
  • Admission to the Roll of Solicitors in Ireland, Law Society of Ireland, 2020
  • Diploma in Employment Law, Law Society of Ireland, 2024



  • Law Society of Ireland