by Owen Burke November-25-2021 in Property
Have you ever been asked to act as an executor? Are you dealing with an estate and are not sure what you need to do? Maybe you are getting ready to make your will and you are wondering who to appoint as your executors.
To help answer your queries we have prepared this information sheet on the role of the Legal Personal Representative. We hope you find it useful.
If you require assistance with any aspect of wills including the role of an executor, please contact Owen Burke Trust and Estate Practitioner in our Property and Private Client team at any stage.
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About the Author

Owen Burke
Owen is a senior associate solicitor, Trust and Estate Practitioner and Chartered Tax Adviser in the Private Client team at Hayes. He specialises in Wills, Probate, Succession and Tax Planning and Enduring Powers of Attorney. He is a full member of the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP). He is also a member of the STEP Ireland committee and the Dublin Solicitors Bar Association Probate and Taxation Committee.